Parents and children today face very different challenges from those faced by the previous generation. Today's children play not only in the sandbox down the street, but also in the World Wide Web, which is too big and complex for parents to control and supervise. As young as age two, your children can contact the world and the world can contact them. A strong bond between you and your child is critical in order for your child to regard you as their trusted advisor.
Too busy to read about the effects of screen time and kids? This 2 DVD set was made for you! PLUGGED-IN PARENTING offers two hours of tips, ideas and non-punitive strategies for parenting digital children from babies to teenagers. Every aspect of digital intelligence is covered, including cybersafety, netiquette, cyberbullying, social media guidelines, benefits of gaming, as well as many valuable parenting tips and demonstrations to keep kids connected to you, but also allowing you to set health limits on video/computer games, social media and cellphones. This DVD is deal for busy parents and caregivers who want accurate researched information but have little time to read books. Keep your digital children safe, healthy and happy, without losing your valuable relationship connection!
NEW! Now available as a digital download as well as a DVD set
Includes strategies and information on the most challenging situations in raising digital kids. View a sample clip.
Also Includes 6 vignettes demonstrating Problem-Solving, Acknowledging Feelings, Sibling Conflict, One-Time Consultation, Declaring Values and more!
Read the Review by End Hitting USA Organization
Read the Video Librarian Review - "Highly Recommended"
"I was quite impressed with Plugged-In Parenting: Connecting with the Digital Generation for Health, Safety and Love. The fact that you have devoted this kind of focus to the issue of digital technology as it relates to the parent/child relationship is amazing in itself. I liked how you wove the PET-Parent Effectiveness Training philosophy and skills throughout the video. I thought you made a very good case about respectful relationships and what makes them work. You made a very credible and strong case against punishment and an effective case for problem-solving instead. I especially like your focus on influence and how parents gain and keep it and how they lose it. That's a powerful message."
Linda Adams, President, Gordon Training International and Parent Effectiveness Training, P.E.T.
"Offers many tips, ideas and strategies for parents to limit the amount of computer and video gaming, but in a respectful, caring and connecting way."
R. Taylor, Dad
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Global TV Interview on Plugged-In Parenting DVD
2 Disc DVD Running Time is 2 Hours and 15 minutes.
ISBN 97809780509-17 $29.95 CAN, $24.95 US