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Judy Arnall Professional Conference and Breakout Speaker Demo, "Internet and Cellphone Safety for Tweens, Teens, Adults and Seniors"
Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, 100 people, Breakout, "Who am I?"
Toastmaster District 42 Conference, 100 people, breakout, "The Myth of the Parenting Expert"
Family Affair Conference, 70 people, breakout, "Leadership in the World Begins in the Home"
Chestermere, 100 people, full day, "Active Listening" demo
Pop Can Speaker "Parenting With Patience" 15 minute demo of concepts: serve and return, anger management, temperament, time-in and time-out, discipline and punishment consequences and problem-solving
Lets Learn Together Conference, 50 people, breakout, "Brain Development 101: Toddlers and Technology"
Government of Canada, 30 people, Lunch and Learn, "Plugged-In Parenting"
Positive Parenting Conference, 100 people, Breakout, "Discipline Without Distress"
Airdrie Community Links, 50 people, Breakout, "Raising Your Spirited Child: Understanding Temperament"
Baby Show 2011, 50 people, Breakout, "Why Toddlers Don't Need Screen Time: the concept of serve and return"
Chestermere, 100 people, full day, "Differences between Consequences and Problem-solving"
Baby Show 2010, 50 people, Breakout, "Baby Sleep Solutions"
Baby Show 2012, 50 people, Breakout, "How to Raise a Smart Child"
Please click here for More TV and Internet Advice
Global TV "Alternatives to Spanking"
Global TV Discipline Without Distress Book
City TV "How to Handle Toddler Aggression"
Canadian Better Living TV "How to Talk to Kids About Drinking"
City TV "Play Ideas to Keep Kids Busy"
Global TV, "Taming the Video Gaming"
City TV, "How to Handle Parent Conflict Respectfully"
CTV TV, "Best Parenting Style"
City TV, "Discipline Without Any Punishment"
Global TV, "How to Keep Kids in Activites"
City TV "How to Handle Toddler Tantrums"
Global TV, "Time-In Instead of Time-Out"
City TV, "What is Attachment Parenting?"
Global TV, "Should Parents Fight in Front of the Kids?"
CTV TV, "Should the Spanking Law, Section 43, be abolished?"
Global TV, "How to Talk to Teen Boys"
Global TV, "Internet Safety and Limiting Screen Time"
Global TV, "How to Help Your Child Adjust to a New Baby"
Global TV, "How to Help Your Child with the First Day of School"
Global TV, "How to be a good Host to Other's Children"
Global TV, "Academic Benefits of Video and Computer Games"
CTV TV "How to Handle New Parent Advice"
Global TV "How to Homeschool"
Play is the Key to University, Motivational Mondays, Comedy Cave
Discipline Without Distress, Gordan Hellas, Athens, Greece
Discipline Without Distress, Australian Breastfeeding Association, Sydney, Australia
From Sand Comes Pearls: Helping Children Cope with Tragedy, AHS, Calgary Floods 2013
Plugged-In Parenting, Professional Development Training, FRP Conference, Montreal
Parenting With Patience/Discipline Without Distress for Caregivers, Yukon Childcare Association, Whitehorse, Yukon
Discipline That Builds Little Brains, Saint John Early Years, Saint John, New Brunswick
P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training, University of Calgary, Continuing Education, 2006-2019 (COVID)
Parenting Instructor, Alberta Health Services, Various hospitals and community health services, 2000-2013
Leadership, District 42 Conference Toastmasters, Radisson Hotel, Calgary
Understanding Multiple Intelligences, Breakout, Family Resource Programs Canada, Montreal
Leadership Traits From Healthy Families, Keynote, Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, Calgary
Active Listening Communication and Leadership, Toastmasters International Conference Keynote, Calgary
Plugged-In Parenting, Professional Development Training, Childreach, London
Toddlers Gone Wild! Calgary Baby and Toddler Show, Calgary, 2000-2020
Parenting the Future APP. Judy is a featured author
Understanding Multiple Intelligences, Alberta Home and School Council Association Conference, Edmonton
Keynoter Steve Spangler and Judy on Stage, CAPS (Calgary Association of Professional Speakers) Conference, Calgary
Raising Your Spirited Preschooler, SACYHN - Southern Alberta Child and Youth Health Network, Okotoks
Understanding Temperament Traits, SACYHN - Southern Alberta Child and Youth Health Network, Calgary
Delete Your Distress: 10 tips for nurturing the nurturer, Foster Parents Association, Kananaskis Lodge
Discipline Without Distress, Parentline, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Leadership in the World Begins in the Home, Toastmasters World Conference
Advice From New Parents for New Parents, Calgary Baby Show, 2000-2020
Plugged-In Parenting, Alberta Association of Children and Families Conference, Edmonton
Parent Effectiveness Training, University of Calgary, Continuing Education, Calgary
Parenting Children and Media, Alberta Home and School Council Association Conference, Edmonton
Presenting after the Honourable Education Minister
Parenting the Digital Generation, Cardell Theatre, Calgary
Interpersonal Communication for Kids - Donna Joy and Judy Arnall, Optimist Club Conference Breakout, Calgary
Judy is interviewed often on TV news. See Youtube above for videos. Tara Sloane, Craig Conroy, BT News