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Parenting and/or Education Consultation

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Need a parenting or education consultant? Judy is the proud parent of 5 Rutherford Scholarship high school graduates (and many more university entrance and ongoing scholarships), and 3 university graduates (1 masters so far). She can help!

Professional Parenting is non-punitive, relationship parenting; not paid in currency, but in kisses from your toddler, hugs from your preschooler, kind words from your young child, conversations with your teenager and fun with your emerging adult.

Get expert help to move your important family relationships from good to excellent, through webinars, online classes, workshops, articles, books, videos, Lunch and Learns, and private consulting.

We provide telephone, or on-line confidential consultations on any parenting, education or family issue. We work from a non-punitive, evidence-based, neuro-biologically-informed parenting and educational approach.

Sessions are approximately one hour, $195.00 plus GST, including a one-hour follow-up session a month later.

ConsultingJudy Arnall

Your child doesn't need more stuff - Give the gift of a beautiful, lifetime relationship with you!

Parenting Consultations Brain Course Certified

Parenting Parties!

parenting parties

We do In-Home Private Presentations for your group.

Enjoy the personal and customized parenting information and presentation in the comfort of your own home with eight or more of your friends. Gather your group from pre-natel class, moms time-out, babysitting co-op, school council, Dads volleyball team, or even your scrapbooking or book club and decide together on a topic of interest. It's a fun, relaxed, jovial time with wine, snacks, good friends and no parking, or childcare costs.

Topic Ideas Here

We can do a two-hour/one night session or a four to six week course such as Terrific Toddlers, Positive Discipline, The Growing Brain, Attached at the Heart, or P.E.T. Minimum eight people (bring the partners too) and the maximum is only limited by the size of your living room. Approximate cost is $30.00 per person (based on a two hour session) depending on the course.

The host person pays no charge, but provides snacks, and receives a free gift.

Contact Judy Arnall

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